- General commercial agreements
- Standard terms & conditions
- Advertising & Marketing
- Agency & distribution
- Creative services framework agreements
- Media buying agreements
- Brand protection & exploitation
- Licensing & franchising
- Sponsorship & endorsement
- IT & software
- Event production
- Procurement and transitional services agreements
- Data protection and privacy
From start-ups and boutique agencies to multi-national companies, international brands and agency groups, we act for clients across the media, technology and creative industries and the team is well versed in the commercial realities facing those working in these fast moving, dynamic, increasingly global sectors.
Whether supporting our clients through the day-to-day churn of business administration or advising on top level, strategic decisions or key commercial revenue-generating arrangements, our team is on hand to navigate the full range of commercial issues facing businesses today.
The Commercial Team is part of the firm’s Corporate, Commercial and Employment department which is a huge benefit to many of the clients with whom we work. Working with clients on the daily management of their businesses makes us perfectly placed to address their corporate and employment requirements as and when needed.