
No matter what the latest music business models or technologies, we’re in sync with every industry shift

The explosion of digital music has completely changed the music industry and the way in which music is consumed. But with more than thirty years working with its major players we have taken this latest evolution in our stride and applied the same values and approach to our work as we always have.

Our client list is diverse and crosses all music genres. Many clients have been with us since the beginning of their careers. From world famous bands, established artists, songwriters and producers to emerging talent, we offer truly comprehensive legal and business advice to all. We also act for record labels, publishing and management companies providing intuitive deal making, commercial and strategic advice.

We are involved in all aspects of our clients’ careers. With an increasing dependence on income streams other than just record sales, our work and expertise has become even more diverse and creative. Not only do we advise talent on all contractual negotiations but we also oversee international brand profiles as well as always being on-call to handle any challenges to reputation or legal disputes.

So no matter what the latest business models or technologies, we’re in synch with every industry shift and our trusted team is an influential force in making sure our clients prosper as the music business continually evolves.

“Friendly but fearsome when needed. This is a go-to firm for music work with in-depth knowledge and experience”. – Legal 500
Specialist areas
  • Recording
  • Music publishing
  • Management
  • Merchandising
  • Sponsorship & Endorsement
  • Band Agreements
  • Live Performance & Touring Arrangements
  • Digital exploitation
  • Distribution
  • Catalogue acquisitions
  • Reputation management
  • Brand protection

Lee & Thompson was named Law Firm of the Year at the Music Week Awards 2018.