L&T delivers data protection refresher to PACT’s Film & TV Production members

8th June 2023


This week, our data privacy and clearance lawyers Leo Dawkins and Rebecca Bennis presented an informative, in-person session about data protection to a group of legal and business affairs professionals working in film and TV production, to support the Producers’ Alliance for Cinema & Television (PACT)’s member education programme.

The session, designed to provide insights on how and why the UK GDPR applies specifically to film and TV production companies, was held at Lee & Thompson’s offices. Leo and Rebecca also highlighted what compliance looks like in practice, how to prioritise, common data protection issues that arise in film and TV, and upcoming changes to the regulatory landscape.

We were delighted to welcome a range of exciting independent production companies for the session, including Lookout Point, Pulse Films, NKD Films, See Saw Films, Whisper Films Ltd, Studio Lambert, Red Production Company and Blink Industries.

Read more about our Data Privacy team here.